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The 5th China (Shenzhen) Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Final Competitions Ended Successfully(English Version)

More than 1400 projects from London UK, Sidney Australia, Tokyo Japan, Berlin Germany, Silicon Valley USA, Toronto Canada, Tel Aviv Israel, Eindhoven Netherland, and Madrid Spain Divisions were competing in seven (7) industry categories.  21 Projects participated in the Final of Madrid Spain Division, 6 prizes were awarded to the best projects.

Fourteen (14) Teams (two from each industry category) from Spain Divisiton were selected to compete in the International Industry Finals.

14 Teams from Madrid Spain Division to participate the International Industry Final


Three (3) projects from Spain Division won prize in the International Industry Finals


Ocsillum*                                      First Prize in Green and Low Emission

TT 173 * – ThromboTarget Europe           Second Prize in Biomedicine and Health

ienaiSpace                                            Third Prize in Advanced Manufacturing

*Teams also participated in the Grand Final

This is the first time ever, a team from Madrid Spain Division to strike a NO. 1 in the International Industry Finals.  Green & Low Emission is a new area of competition.  Oscillum Biotechnology (Alicante) offers innovative smart-BIO-Sensor which can indicate the stage of food decomposition.  Using this technology, we can avoid Food-Poisoning, save wasted food and lower the emission.  This brilliant project was presented by Luis Chimeno (CMO and Founder) who did a great pitch in form of 8 minutes pitch and 7 minutes Q&A. This project is lead by Pablo José Sosa Dominguez (CEO and Founder) and Pilar María Granado García (CTO and Founder).



TT 173 from ThromboTarget Europe won a Second Prize in the category of BioMedicine and Health.  This is a patented Topical Hemostat product entered the phase III in total knee arthroplasty.  This magic product can reduce time to hemostasis to less than 50% and reduce total blood loss.  Ramón Bejar is the President of ThromboTargets, Jesús Murat is leading the Product Development, Santiago Rojas MD Medical Doctor.  The project was presented by Pilar Sanchez (the commercial Operations Director) accompanied by Jesus Murat.


ienaiSpace, another outstanding project, No. 1 in Madrid Final, won the Third Prize in the International Industry final in the category of Advanced Manufacturing.  IenaiSpace is a hardware and software company working in the New Space sector, funded in 2019 and located in Madrid, the team is focused on in-space propulsion solutions.  The company manufacture and operates the miniature rockets that propel satellites around once they are already in orbit.  This project won No. 1 prize in Spain Division presented and lead by Daniel Pérez Grande (CEO & Co-Founder), Sara Correyero Plaza, COO and Co-Founder and Mick Wijnen (CTO and Co-Funder).  This team has an average age of 31 years old.


The whole competition was held via Zoom hosted by Shenzhen using the «online connection + offline venue» format.   The organization work was quite complicated also considering the time difference from Australia to USA.  Other than one incident in Data and Fashion sector, the other 6 industry finals were perfectly accomplished.  Two of our excellent Digital Fashion teams suffered the consequences and Shenzhen apologized formally. Despite of that, Shenzhen has demonstrated the top level online-event capability by its high-level commitment. The control of the timing, scoring system, the award presentation, the online realtime photo albums, all were flawless and impeccable.  All teams from Spain Division participated on-time both in rehearsal and competition periods without a single incident.

pecial Mentions: The two teams scored highest were Genetsis 90.42 and Robin Brick 89.62




About China Shenzhen Innovation and Entrepreneurship International Competition

The China Shenzhen Innovation and Entrepreneurship International Competition aims to integrate innovation and entrepreneurship resources, assist overseas innovation and entrepreneurship projects to connect with China’s high-tech industry resources, explore the Chinese market, build a platform for international exchange and cooperation, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win collaboration. The competition has been successfully held each year since 2016, even in the pandemic situation, it has been providing a big stage for many overseas entrepreneurs to express themselves and realize their dreams and has been well received. Supported morally by the Shenzhen Municipal Government and funded by enterprises and investment funds, this Competition is open to all overseas innovation and entrepreneurship projects, regardless of their nationality. Spain Madrid Division is an ideal platform for all Spanish Speaking Countries and neighbouring European countries to register their competition projects.  The official website of the competition: http://www.itcsz.cn, select “Madrid Spain”


About China Spain InnoVentures (CSIV)

Founded in 2015, China Spain InnoVentures (CSIV), now a division of Optimus Horizon, is committed to build a high-end innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem between China and Spanish-speaking countries, encouraging and promoting two-way technology transfer in high-tech industries, and achieving mutual benefit and win-win results. CSIV focuses its business on a huge market where Chinese and Spanish are the mother tongues (covering more than 20 countries and a population of 550 million), focusing on exploring high-quality technological projects with broad market prospects and rapid growth in China.

Through cooperation with many R&D institutions and incubation platforms in the Spanish Speaking regions, CSIV, together with Chinese and western investment funds (VC, PE), industrial investors and industry elite mentors, organizes various competitions and on-site and off-site roadshows throughout the year, and directly promote quality innovation projects. On the one hand, it screens excellent matured industry-oriented projects for Chinese enterprise and investment funds on a regular basis, at the same time, it helps Chinese innovative and unicorn type of companies to expand and land overseas markets and grow into global industry leaders.

The “China Spain Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition» organized by CSIV has become a well-known event in Spain Startup Communities.Mostly, CSIV has cooperated since 2018 with the most successful Chinese International Competition – China (Shenzhen) Innovation and Entrepreneurship International Competition to hold its “Spain Madrid Division Competition” and achieved excellent results. CSIV was also the organizer of the Spanish Division of the «Chunhui Cup» Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for Overseas Chinese Students designated by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China.  Together with our European partner, we had also offered projects to do their roadshow in Wuxi, Jinan, Chengdu, Luoyang, Wuhan, Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou, etc though out the whole year.

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